A viscous liquid that needs to be dispensed from one container and transferred to another one may require the use of a pump. A peristaltic pump is often used in processing plants that require the use of thick substances. Learn how this type of pump works, to determine if a similar model will support the pumping processes that need to be conducted within your business.

The Parts Of A Peristaltic Pump

Viscous liquids include oil, honey, toothpaste, syrups, and tar. These are just several examples of viscous substances that cannot be dispensed as quickly as a watery substance. Viscous substances are used in food, vitamin, chemical, and medical production industries.

A peristaltic pump contains a set of rollers, a track, tubing, a motor, and housing components. When a peristaltic pump is engaged, the motor triggers the rollers to begin moving along the track. The rollers rotate while they are active and will squeeze the tubing. The tubing is aligned next to the track and is used to transport a viscous substance.

As the tubing becomes compressed, a vacuum forms. The vacuum will aid in pulling a liquid into the tubing's opening. As the rollers continue moving along the length of the tubing, they will push the liquid through the opposite end of the tubing. Viscous liquids are steadily transported while a peristaltic pump is powered up. 

Core Materials

Volumetric flow rates are proportional to the speed of the motor. Direct current, alternating current, and stepper motor models are used to power up various peristaltic pump types. A gearbox or an external control board may be used in conjunction with the motor, to regulate speeds.

Tubing types that are compatible with a peristaltic pump include a variety of flexible and rigid materials ranging from silicone to plastic. If the pumping that will be performed will consist of dispensing targeted amounts of a liquid, a low horsepower motor may be needed.

If you will be performing a variety of pumping tasks and consumables and non-consumables are being produced, two or more types of tubing may be necessary to operate your equipment. Tubing should always be used for one distinct operation, to prevent the contamination of viscous liquids.

If the production rate will be high and a large volume of liquid products will be pumped on a daily basis, the original tubing that is used to operate each peristaltic pump may need to be replaced on occasion. 
